

姓  名:陈志雄

职  称:副教授









2020.10~  福建师范大学地理学院,副教授







Chen, Z., Liu, J., Cheng, X., et al. 2023. Stratospheric influences on surface ozone increase during the COVID-19 lockdown over northern China. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6: 76.

Chen, Z., Xie, Y., Liu, J., et al. 2023. Distinct seasonality in vertical variations of tropospheric ozone over coastal regions of southern China. Science of the Total Environment, 874, 162423.

Chen, Z., Liu, J., Cheng, X., et al. 2022. Transport of substantial stratospheric ozone to the surface by a dying typhoon and shallow convection. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 8221-8240.

Chen, Z., Liu, J., Cheng, X., et al. 2021. Positive and negative influences of typhoons on tropospheric ozone over southern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 16911-16923.

Chen, Z., X. Qie., J. Sun., et al. 2021. Evaluation of Fengyun-4A Lightning Mapping Imager (LMI) performance during multiple convective episodes over Beijing. Remote Sensing, 13: 1746.

Chen, Z., Sun, J., Qie, X., et al. 2020. A method to update model kinematic states by assimilating satellite-observed total lightning data to improve convective analysis and forecasting. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD033330.

Chen, Z., X. Qie., Y. Yair., et al. 2020. Electrical evolution of a rapidly developing MCS during its vigorous vertical growth phase. Atmospheric Research, 246: 105201.

Chen, Z., X, Qie., D, Liu., et al., 2019. Lightning data assimilation with comprehensively nudging water contents at cloud-resolving scale using WRF model. Atmospheric Research, 221:72-87.

Zhang, Y., Chen, Z., Xiao, X., et al. 2023. Combined assimilation of radar and lightning data for the short-term forecast of severe convection system. Atmospheric Research, 283, 106562.

Qie, X., Yuan, S., Chen. Z., et al. 2021. Understanding the dynamical-microphysical-electrical processes associated with severe thunderstorms over the Beijing metropolitan region, Science China Earth Sciences., 64(1): 10-26.